The Tea Lady

The Tea Lady
Lena travelling the world

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The chance of a lifetime

Today, I had the most amazing day of my life, no, this is too big of a statement, let me rephrase, in a long time. I am speechless about humanity and how faith works. I don’t quite know where to start so I will start from the beginning. Couple days ago, I received the most amazing facial paired with a facial massage. Because of what I do, I wanted to compliment my 100% natural custom made skin care, with something that I seen and experience in India, which is a rejuvenating facial massage. I believe this massage is far more effective than any $300.00 cream or botox! In India, the woman that works in spa do it to each other once a week. Their skin is almost wrinkle free and they are twice my age. They live in harsh condition combined with very toxic pollution and daily sun exposure. All the right ingredients to have a skin that aged and wrinkles faster than nature intended. Despite all odds, these woman, had the most beautiful facial feature, even if they were twice my age. I was lucky to witness that massage in person, and I have search since to find someone that can teach me. This massage also works with the Marma points. Marma-points originates from Ayurveda, which I am a lifetime learner of, since it is a very ancient science from India. One day the Western world will discover the Marma-point and it will be the next “big” thing to do. For me it is not about trends, but about its efficacy and common sense. The skin of a face cannot look radiant if it has congestion, blockage and overload of toxins. Massaging the Marma points, helps those liquid system behind our skin to transport nutrients and to eliminate toxins. It also works with energy. When you constantly trigger those points, action happens and the flow starts to happen. The massage itself, helps smooth the skin, almost like ironing the wrinkles with a magic cream! I have a very deep, what I call,a worry mark on my forehead, it disappeared for two days! I couldn’t believe it. I knew how powerful the massage was, but never experience right before my eyes such quick results. Imagine this massage combine with a moisturizer that is pure and potent! So, I couldn’t help asking the girl, where on earth did she learn to do this massage? She told me his name and she said he was a chiropractor from California. She also mentioned, that he actually trained the entire staff, in all the different types of massages. I asked her, if I could get a hold of him, she said to ask at the front desk, because he lived in Bali. I did ask, they gave me his phone number, I was petrify to call him. I have is phone number since Friday and I had to gather my courage to call him this morning at 9:45am. To my surprise, he accepted to see me at his place. So I call, my nice Balinese driver I met yesterday, and he came right over to pick me up. I couldn’t believe how well they pay attention, the front desk call him for me, when they handed me the phone he said, oh! Hi Lena, not only did he remember my name but my voice, well, I guess with my accent it's a good give away! We drove through another part of Ubud that I did not know, from the street the place didn't look like much, and I was surprised a westerner would live in this part of town. You quickly change your mind after entering the gates. What a beautiful compound! A very nice and kind man, he greeted me at the gate, even if he as trouble walking. He is not a spring chicken anymore, but neither am I! But his eyes are still full of life and vitality, a man with passion, and a man with good vibes. My first impression and contact was reassuring for me, as I was venturing to the unknown, one my own! As we walk through the estate, I am speechless, how fortunate one would be to live here, overlooking the peaceful rice paddies in this splendid property. After a nice discussion, which he told me a few things about himself and I told him, about myself, he agreed to teach me the massage, next Monday. I was shock to find out, he was the actual founder of the place where I am staying. Then, he tells me he has a proposition to tell me. I didn’t not expect, such a statement, but I am all ears. He explains to me that he wants to sell, as matter of fact there is people visiting the property right after me. He expressed that he would like to sell to someone that would turn this place, into a nice retreat place, a place of healing. A much better health retreat than what is already in Bali. He says that he was able to build this place with the money he made since arriving in Bali, which I am assuming he arrived here with very little money. He said he would help me with the business model and every details and training, required to open such a place. He said I could easily, have an income of $3000.00 to $4000.00 a week with only a few guest, as this is the kind of place, that has a good ratio per guest 1-3 (3 staff for one person) instead of the opposite. I explained to him, that this would be a dream come true, as I have fond my Dharma, and my Dharma is to help people heal, and these intentions are pure, and money, is not what drives my intentions! But I don’t have a dime to my name, at this moment, I took every penny I had left, to take one last chance and do something that is important to me. I hope writing my book, will be rewarding financially but if it isn’t, I least I did it, and I am sure the experience will have enriched me, in many ways, other than financially. I live for the moment, not for the money. So, I made him an offer, since I cannot afford to buy his place, but I could run the place for him, he would not have to move out of here, and he would be financially secure. He explained to me, it is not what he wants and the reasons why he wants to part with this place. His reasons are very legitimate, the place as many stairs and like any compound in Bali, nothing is just the next room, it is more the next building. He does have a hard time to walk around and I don’t blame him for wanting a peaceful retirement, without worries are duties. I explained to him, I was much honored and deeply touch by his offer and confidence in me, but I cannot afford to buy his place. Then he asked me, if I would pass the world around, and I said yes, even if deeply I want to keep this secret to myself. I am already thinking, how I could buy this place. The sad part is, what he is asking for,is less than any property I could buy in Caledon where my business is at the present moment. I thought for sure, he was going to say $2 or $3 million dollars, nope! As,I promised him to spread the word around, you can take a look for yourself, how beautiful his property his. He gave me a tour of the entire property, and yes, with very little changes this place could be turn into a health retreat. For more details, and feel free to pass this around, visit; You can tell this men knows what he is doing and when he does something he does it well, take a look at his web site and you will understand what I mean. Now, is there anyone back home, than can go and buy me a lottery ticket?! He actually told me his bottom price, it would be nothing to gather with partners, but people are not risk taker like me. I always go for my passion, not my security, because I always believe, life will take care of me, and so far, it always have! I hop back into my chauffer’s car, light as a feather and so thrill, this stranger that does not know me, had such a good exchange with me and better, I didn’t come there with any expectations, I was only inquiring, how I could learn this massage.Our next stop, is Waka di Ume, which I am schedule to meet with Atmasari, for my cooking lesson. To my surprise Atmasari, was a women. It is funny how you picture people you’ve been in contact with and it is never what you imagine! A tiny, vibrant women, I can’t wait to learn with her. You can see a picture of Atmasari and the kitchen I will be learning Balinese cuisine at;, click on the Balinese cooking lesson. The kitchen is outdoor and so inspiring. This resort, is up the hill from where I am now, in the rice paddies, overlooking at Ubud. It is far from my budget and I was embarrassed, when, while waiting for Atmasari, a Balinese brought me a fresh cold towel, fragrant with pure essential oils, gently inserted a frangipani flower, into my hair (this variety of Frangipani is unique to Bali and very fragrant, the flower is so beautiful, it looks like a fake flower) than he offered me the most refreshing drink, I ever had. Nice and cold Coconut water, with fresh coconut and lime. We have this drink at Ubud Sari, but they always serve it at room temperature, which is not always pleasant, and definitely impart a different flavor. I was so hot, that I could not refuse the gesture, but first I asked Atmasari if he knew I was not a guest here, she replyed, it didn’t matter as it was the custom here. My last stop, at least, that’s what I thought, was a place I wanted to visit since I got here, little bit more expensive but from what I saw on internet so beautiful. I wanted to see, if they were willing to give me a better deal if I stay longer than a week, I also wanted to visit the rooms, to make sure it was good for me. Their web site is lacking a photo gallery, if they did have one, the place would be fully booked at all time. Where I am now, is very nice, and very cute, but not convenient for me. I am sitting at a Japanese table all day long, this means my but is literally on the hard wood floor all day. Not to mention, the tiny aunts that are crawling all over me, my table and my papers! The thin cushion does not do much anymore and my back is killing me. It could be a good excuse to have more massages, but I am here to write not to be pampered, even if the temptation is at every corner you walk, I must restrain myself from spoiling myself! After all, I can always come back! Also, there is something about the energy of this place, that is not sitting right with me. Now, after meeting with Mr. Taylor, I know why. These are details I cannot reveal, as I respect his privacy and the ones of others.But,this place has a story, and that is the energy I feel,and I guess felt so heavy than it made me decide to look somewhere else. When we arrived to Tjampuhan, which I can’t even pronounce, I was speechless, how beautiful the property was. And there, I taught where I was, beautiful! The entire property is built on the cliff with a stunning view over a jungle ravine. I could not believe it, there is a breeze here, I though Bali was breezeless! The room as a nice balcony overlooking the ravine, I have a table and a chair on marble floor; I wouldn’t have to write inside all day. Where I am now, the only place I can sit, is the floor inside, outside is for the fish and the vegetation! When I first arrived, I knew right away, this was the kind of place I could not afford and I was right, when he pointed me the rate chart, I swallowed my saliva with deception. I could not afford to stay here. I quite don’t know how it happen, I managed to have the room, for the same cost as where I am now, with the promise not to tell a soul, of how much I am paying! I will keep my promise. But you can check out this paradise on earth at; you will have a small idea, one of the reason I did not booked ahead, was because they have very few pictures on the web site. What you see, is better than ,what is on their web site. Funny enough , I thought to myself, my god ,I will feel like a Maharaja, staying here. Incidentally, one of the room is called the Raja room! As the clerk was writing my receipt, he pulls up a pair of reading glasses! I begged him to tell me, where I can find such a rare item, he scribble something on a paper which I handed to my driver and he said no problem. I have no clue how he could understand that scribble! The paper did not have an actual address, just a name, but we did find it. And for $7.00 I have my very first pair of reading glasses and I am not proud of this announcement. I can no longer brag that I still don’t need glasses, and have a pretty good vision. I am still hoping this is just a temporary discomfort related to a high humidity environment…It is now well over 3:00pm and I have not had lunch, and my breakfast was at 7:00am, so I am pretty hungry, I feel so good, I invited my driver to lunch with me, which he first declined, but when I said it was my treat he gladly accepted. What better way to find out things about Bali, than to hang around with those that live here? We had a great time and very good conversation, I am lucky he speaks pretty good English, considering he is self-thought, from talking with tourists. Coincidently, he chose the restaurant I was supposed to have cooking lesson tonight at 5. But I didn’t like the menu we were suppose to learn, and something was telling me, not to participate in this one. On the other hand, I would of never chosen this restaurant, simply from looking at it. But when you venture into the garden, it is stunning how big the place is. Each table has its own little space, like an oasis among a beautiful garden, and the further deep into the garden the more you find tables. He asked me if I wanted a Japanese style table or one with chairs. Dewa, ( my chauffer’s name) if you only knew how sick I am of Japanese tables! The meal was delicious and I was stunt on how fast, our meal was served to us. I didn’t even have time to take a sip of my drink! Dewa, gave me a good analogy of most places in Bali, it is like a bottle, first you see this very small opening, once you pass that narrow passage, there is more and more the further you go, and it is much bigger than what the front shows. I was in shock when Dewa told me he was 35, I thought he was 25, so we laugh, I said, it must not be just the food, it must be the water too! I hope Dewa lets me take a picture of him, so I can show what I mean. And then, he said, I drive you back home now? I said; oh! No, to my hotel, not home! We laugh more, Dewa has a good sense of humour and very genuine. I wish all the taxi driver in Canada, in North America I should say, were like him. My entire day, chauffeured around, $20. I will no longer walk distance, only to arrive wet like a sponge! So Dewa is picking me up after my cooking lesson tomorrow, to move me to my new home! I don’t need him to drine me to the class, Atmasari will pick me up. I am truly sorry, if today’s blog is so long, I just hope it is not too monotonous, for you the reader, this all really happen in one day and I spared you the details of my search for a bank that would cash my travelers checks!

Saraswati day in Bali

We are Sunday here, Ceremony day!
Here it is the day after Saraswati day. Called Banyupinanuh day. Saraswati day is always celebrated on the very last day of the Balinese Pawukon calendar, being the last Saturday of its last week of the month. Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge and wife of Brahma. The following dau is just as important, as they go to the sping water bath, for purification and to do more offering. For the students, it is the only saturday they don't have to go to school.Each Balinese house, as some kind of temple, each temple as a secret book, pass from generation to generation, and often guarded by the medicine manMen and women wear traditional clothing that is so beautiful. Men and women wear the Kamben, similar to a sarong but different. The Kamben is a beautiful piece of textile, with rich and colorful patterns. The men tie the Kamben in the center while the ladies tight it on the left-hand side. The women also wear the traditional lacy blouse called Kebaya. The blouse are hand-made in Bali and so beautiful. The men wear a headdress called an Udeng. The Udeng imparts something majestic, very stylish. The Udeng as a front wing-like vertical appendage called jambul, which symbolizes Siwa. The part wrapped around the head is like a half-moon or sun, the symbol of Brahma. Brahma is the creator of life in Hindu believes. Bali is the only province in all Indonesia that is Hindu, the rest are usually all Muslim states. Strangely, it makes the man more masculine when they wear the Kamben and the Udeng, and truly makes them more handsome. This is where the maxim “ a picture is worth a thousand words” would apply! I had the intention to work all day at my computer, but when Mustika ( a young men with a very strong feminine personality and so innocent ) brought my breakfast to my Zen cottage, he did not seem to agree that I should work today. After much consideration, he is right, this is the perfect occasion for me to venture out of my compound! We Westerners, to often forget to live our lives! So, I decided to go to the market and purchase a beautiful offering basket, why not, I myself have a few things I am grateful for and there’s a few things I wouldn’t mind asking Brahma! Once I got to the market, I was soaked, water dripping down my body, my clothes were also wet. I normally don’t sweat like this, unless I am in a sauna. I guess I was right, when I said to my daughter that I felt like I was in a sauna all day long! And that was not moving, just sitting at my table, writing. Now walking, is more in comparison with a steam room! Once, I bought my little offering basket, which I purchase solely on my instinct, because I could not get out of anyone, why the different basket and which one I should purchase. The amount of work and intention that goes into these little offerings are really touching. Their intent is sincere and full of attentions and details to the crafting of each one of them. And they make them by the hundreds. I choose the one with flowers and a cashew on top. I figured, the one with the tiny little fish would not smell good at the door of my cottage! Also, there seem different kind, the ones you leave at the temple and ones that you leave in front of your house. Some, put one basket, some piled them high! The temple in town was full of women giving their offering baskets. It was a nice scene, that I captured on film, after asking, permission. Also, it seems to be, the responsibility of the women, to make the baskets and to offer them. There’s no sight of any men at the temple. As I was walking back, people would salute and smile at me, they seemed really impress, I had bought an offering basket or it simply made them happy, that I honored their culture. I showered and changed again, it is not even 9 am! Then I decided to walk to famous road of Bali, Monkey Forest Road. I never made it to where the monkeys are, but I went into a lot of shops, this is a shopping paradise. Very good quality , unique and not expensive. I wanted to buy something very light, I need it clothes that were very thin on your body and that breath. One of my dear customer, had just returned from Bali before I left, and warned be; Pack light. I thought she meant, don’t put too much in your suitcase, now, I know was she meant! Terry cloth and cotton t-shirt are still too hot, forget about weary anything that is synthetic. I quickly realize, I did not want to try on anything, I was so wet already! I had a more important mission. Since, I got here, my vision is blurry, first, I had blamed the long oversea journey, but It’s been a week now and my vision should of recovered already. I guess, I am where must people my ages, have already been! Come to think of it, I should buy another basket! Talking about those baskets again, the entire time you are walking the sidewalks you have to be careful not to step on one of those baskets, placed in front of their business. A couple of time, I mistakenly did step over one or two, I felt Iike, I’d committed a sin, and apologized each time! Back to my mission, because it feels like a mission now, since no shop have those reading glasses, worst, they don’t seem to know what I am talking about! I found a hair salon. The inside was not very inspiring, so I asked if she could wash my hair and make me French braids. She didn’t look like she knew how, so she showed me, on the other girl’s hair, and she didn’t really know how. She told me about another place, that I would off never found, because here, every ally is a street, full of small businesses and grubby looking accommodation. Once I found the place, and entered, I knew I was entering the right place. Surprisingly very nice. With, state of the art chairs at each sink. Sink that were not deep, your neck didn’t hurt because the sink was supporting the weight of your head. I asked a young Balinese with a beautiful hair cut, if she had it done here, she pointed to the girl that cut her hair. I told her I was very tempted to cut my hair, she said, why not, go for it! Than, all the foreigners in the place, turned around and gave me the frantic look “ are you crazy”, so I had second thought, but I am still here for awhile and I might just do that! This turned out to be quite an experience. I don’t think anyone has never washed my hair this, good. Those who know me, know that I have lots of hair, very thick and long. The head wash felt so good, than she massaged my head with a rich avocado conditioner. Once on my chair and my hair comb, I have a lady sitting at the bottom of my feet, giving the most amazing foot massage, and definitely containing some reflexology elements. Than, she gives me another head massage that extends to the shoulder. They have iron hands, I am not sure where they get their strength or techniques, but it is fabulous. Then, she let someone else take over for the braids. She did a great job and I feel like a million box! Total of my bill, $10! Please, Brahma, I don’t ever want to leave this island!
I feel so good, I decided to take a rest at a really nice lounge, looking at the street, sitting in a really nice contemporary sofa. I chose a really nice light drink, with lychees. When the waiter arrived with my Martini glass, I though to myself, oh! No, I don’t want to be drunk, I have to walk a long way back. After all, the drink was gentle, a perfect pick me upper! It was nice and cold, and here, you never have to worry about the ice of the water you drink. You can brush your teeth even in a restaurant and you won’t get ill! It seems like a very innocent thing to do, but in 2010, there is, very few places in the world, especially in poor countries and hot weather places, where water is safe to drink. India, was probably the worst, in 7 stars hotel, you had to make sure you showered with your mouth closed, and something you didn’t think about that, because the room was so luxurious. Sipping my Martini, entertaining myself watching people walk by. I knew we were very few Canadians at the airport and we are still probably the ones here too! It is mostly Australians, a few Dutch and Germans and lots of Japanese and Taiwanese! Apparently, the Asians just fly over for the week end for shopping and going for spa treatment! I must say, I don’t find the Australian friendly at all. It kind of surprises me, I always heard from people coming from Australia, that people there were very nice. Maybe they are nice to you because you are a tourist, where here, they are the one playing tourist, they are not overly friendly. The very few that will engage a conversation with you, will not pursue their conversation, once they realized you don’t speak the same English! Maybe they think they are too superior, who knows! And I watch them, among themselves, and they never say hi to each other. On the side walk, they take all the space and never notice that they are not alone of the narrow side walk, you always have to say excuse me, to keep going. Here you never get a nod from foreigners, and when you smile at them, they think you are an alien! But, you do from the Balinese people and with an honest smile. Often, you see them in restaurant, sitting alone, next to another table, where someone is alone, and they don’t try to engage a conversation. At least here, eating alone is not embarrassing, as there is just as much women than men eating alone. Back home, you always feel like you have some kind of plague when you eat alone in a restaurant! I always envy my girlfriend Jocelyn, who can walk anywhere alone, and not be intimidated by anything, she always finds someone to talk to, and never feels uncomfortable to be alone! Nevertheless, it was entertaining watching and very educating. I even saw a hard core Harley Davison guy, with a really nice Harley, probably the only one in the island, with his full Harley gear on, the leather gloves and all! I bet he has to cut the gloves off every time, it is so hot! On my way back I met a really nice Balinese taxi driver with a good English. He will take me tomorrow to a few places I had to be and one of them is to find reading glasses. He explain to me, that he understood what I was looking for, but here in Bali, I might not find that, as people don’t usually need them! As I sat for diner, which by the way, was beyond fabulous, I have to go back just to take a picture of my Tuna steak. It was delicious, vibrant, beautiful and so tasty! I was also served a tiny piece of bread and butter, the bread almost looked like a lady finger, but it was bread. The first time ever I see bread here. Balinese people, don’t eat bread. I don’t really miss it, except at breakfast with my hard boiled eggs, which I eat with my Ryvita Pumpkin seeds & Oat crispbread, not quite the same the same as toast! As I was eating my diner, I watch some more, this time, the street is full of Balinese people, not just tourist, and none of them are wearing eye glass! It must be the food and the sun! On my way back, I found another book store, hoping again, to find someone that would tell me where I could find such rare item. Again, she nod to me, nowhere will I find that! Went to be with the thunder, but a nice thunder, not the one that makes you want to crawl under your bed!

Saturday, February 27, 2010


I think there is no better word to describe today! Coincidently, a Buddhism word. After writing for hours, because here the day starts before the rise of the sun! At noon, I felt like it was 4 o’clock! At 1:00pm I went for my 4 hours of spa treatment. I have received a lot of massages in my life and from various part of the world. Today was the best massage ever, and she was so tiny, I cannot believe she had that kind of strength. I recently was in the most beautiful spa, I ever seen while staying at the Moon Palace. This was very basic, certainly no luxury here, simplicity is the rule. Any snob would walk away. But the room I am in, does not need luxury, it has the beauty of nature. A big arch with no enclosure, is over looking at the river, flowing by. The birds and the gecko are the background music, better than any CD I could buy. At her very first touch, I knew I was in for my money. I thought she would tell me, like all the others, my shoulders are so tight, indeed, my shoulders are always tight, this is where we carry the weight of our daily lives, Should do this, should do that;shoulder! Nope, she said nothing, but I could hear the muscles crunching, and the flow of energy finally getting through. Often, I came close, to scream, but strangely the pain would go away really fast. She does every little nook and cranny of my body, well, except for the private parts. But every indent of my toes, my fingers, my ears, nothing is left untouched! Followed, by an herbal body scrub, with rice powder and essential oils. Than, we walked to another hut, with a therapeutic bath. The jets were very powerful. My skin feels so soft, that it is surreal! Than it is the mud wrap, followed by heated blanket. I am sure reach the point near fever temperature! I almost made it to the 25 minutes, but at 22 minutes, I could feel that my blood pressure was building up, and my very sensitive body, was not hot anymore but burning! I smelt like fish and thought, it is sad to do the seaweed wrap after the massage, because I smelt so good after the massage! That cold shower felt better than any other cold shower I have had since I arrive. Not that we don’t have hot shower, it is simply too hot to have a hot shower, and a cold shower is much better for your skin! Then, she took me to another building, and I had the best facial ever. She gave me the massage, that I couldn”t find anyone back home, to do. This massage, is the answer to anti-aging, she presses on the marma points and massages the skin and neck. I asked her where she learned this technique, and her answer was quite the surprise for me. I might have a story just about that, you will have to see and wait, if I manage to meet that person, I will explain in details, why it is amazing. After, all this time being pamper, my stomach is really starting to get noisy . Included was a spa lunch, that was so delicious! I had a salad made with coconut noodles, lime and lettuce. An onion soup, which, was to my surprise, hot! Followed by a nice fresh juice of watermelon and passion fruit. All this for $70.00. The 4 million dollars spa I was recently, did not even came close, in comparison with the quality of the services. We paid $120.00 us each for a treatment that as soon as they had apply the mud, 5 minutes later they sent us in the shower to wash it off, not to mention, we didn’t even get a massage after or before the wrap.
And as I am writing this blog, I have company. My house is really like a little Japanese house, with the typical doors that slide and the building is surrounded by water with fishes. To my right, there is also a sliding door and I can see the water and on its edge, sits a big toad serenading like no tomorrow. I can see the muscle of his mouth filling up with air, as he signs, and the kois for some reason are all excited tonight, they are jumping so high, I can see them jump in my window. At the spa today, I found out what was that noise that wakes me up every night, it’s a gecko! I have seen lots of gecko but these one make a different noise, it is almost like a squirrel. I am happy to find out it is a gecko, this means he is looking after catching all the creepy things that might come in my open air bedroom! I guess the treatment were very powerful, for the first time since I arrived, I had to have a nap. Boy, does it ever feels good to live at this kind of pace!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Bali is hot like no place I ever been!

At first I thought it was my body adjusting to the heat too slowly. It is not like my body needed it to acclimatized, two weeks ago, it was very hot in Republic Dominican as well, but at least we had the breeze. Literally, it feels like you are in a sauna all day! I should shed some pounds with all this sweating! And I should return fully detoxifyed! The humidity is so high, my pile of books, stack on top of each other on my table, are curling like leaves even with the weight of the books! Never seen anything like this. I had the intention to walk downtown Ubud, but I only got as far as the market, so I can buy some nice fruits. I am pretty knowledgable of exotic fruits and some of the fruits here, I have never seen. I will have to research them. They even have Durian fruit, soursop and so much more of the fruits we rarely see in North America. This is a real treat for me. One of the fruit I bought looked like a grenade! But tasted delicious. It had the taste of a smoothie made of strawberry, banana and kiwi. The other fruit I bought looks like a big fig, but with the skin of an Armadillo! I haven't tryed that one yet! Bali is a paradise for photographs! There is so much details and decorations on their properties. And I must say, you dont read this anywhere, but Bali is one of the cleanest place I ever been! Even in the open air sewage you don't see trash. There is a lot of place I visited that were nice but ruined by the fact trash was everywhere, here, not even empty land. The market, was pretty clean compare to any other open air market in the world. After 3 days of raw food, I decided to go to a restaurant near by, for diner, it is simply too hot even at night to venture further. I always dread going to a restautant alone, but here it is a common thing. There is a lot of woman alone, not just guys. So nobody stares at you! I notice everyone had their own hand fan, I have to return to the market to get one of these! I had a delicious meal, very well balance. Roasted potatoes here means french fries! But my plate was perfect, only 5 fries, my chicken with veggies cook a way that is unique to here and a nice salad. The tomatoes looks so good, they had a color that we no longer see back home. I almost wanted to eat them they look so fresh and full of nutrients. But tomatoes and I don't get along at all, I was sad to toss them in my plate. I decided to try the local drink or should I say the National drink, Arak. I thought I was ordering a mild drink, because it had honey and lime and fresh mint, first sip almost knock me off my chair! But it went well with my meal. I had to double check with my calculator twice, my diner with a bottle of water and a drink was a total of $6! I couldn't believe it. Where I am staying you just sign the bill, you never really look at prices. I went to bed early, I cant write anymore, my vision is getting blury, I dont know if its the heat, my age, or the jetlag, but I will have to find some reading lens! It is hard to fall asleep it is so hot, the fan above my bed seems useless, and there is no tv to put me asleep. That is acutally nice not to have tv! Around one o'clock I woke up with some loud music, a bar must be not too far from where we are. I guess any night in Bali is a party night! I just dont know how any body can dance in that kind of heat!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

First night in Bali

Wow, I had to wake up early, before the sun came up, the whole barn yard woke the entire village up! Here there is more than just roosters waking you up, but it is good, I want to wake up early and I dont feel tired at all, even after being up for 2 days and a night of sleep disturb by some weird animal noise, that sounded like he wanted to come in my room. The tricky part was to go to the bathroom in the pitch dark, the electricity dont seem to work upstairs, and going down those narrow wood stairs, thankfully I had a flashlight, and there was no big Iguana in my bathroom. I really feel like I slept in the jungle, the bedroom upstairs and the trees and greenery is all around, with birds and I guess they have some nocturnal birds. I will have to explore in the morning to see what is the waterfall that I hear. I really felt like a princess in that nice bed with the white screen around me, the bed was surprisely comfortable, and most important, a have a good pillow. Waking up was special, I look out the window,it is so cute where my little house is, it's like a private compound with two houses, a garden, private entrance with a nice statue and a little creek with fishes.The hibicus flowers are close to my reach, from my windows. I officially met my neighbor, who is even more handson than I thought! He is from Europe and I did not ask from where. But what I relief, he is not the kind of man that will be bothering me or coming on to me, he is shy and private and that suits me perfect! I had the most delicious breakfast I have had in a long time, even if I am just coming back from the Caribean islands.The fresh juice and fruits, with a good coffee, well at least it taste good, the slurp at the bottom of my coffee pot, resembles more mud than coffee! But I had fresh boiled eggs, my cravings for eggs are now over,for some reason I was craving eggs! I don't eat eggs often, specially in the morning, I find them too rich. The humidity here, is so high, your stomach can not eat a lot, I am hungry, which is uncommon for me! I had a small breakfast and it is perfect. This morning I will have to venture out of my compound into the busy streets of Ubud, to go find batteries and change some money. I will visit the market which is just around the corner.I will also book some spa treatment, here for 6 hours of spa treatment it cost $120.00. Back home you only get one massage for that price! For those of you, that don't know me, and are reading my blog for the first time, yes you will encounter some spelling mistakes on my part, I am self taugh in English, so orthograph is not my cup of tea! It was strange loggin on to my blog, everything was in Balinese, so my first word I learn is Masuk which means connect!

Magical Bali

I left the 23rd and arrive on the 25th, what I long trip. We made a refuel stop in Alaska, unfortunately I saw nothing,other than they really have snow there! it was two am, so we saw nothing on the way in or out. Arrived in Taipei in time. I had enough time to browse through the shops for teaware and tea. Taiwan is the king of Oolongs. I had to restrain myself for not buying all the cute teaware they have for my gung fu set. After being gone so long, I was hoping to find an egg sandwich or something normal for breakfast. You should off seen there face when I ask for eggs, it is like something they know but for them you dont eat it! When I arrive in Bali, I met a lady from Quebec, this is her 5th trip to Bali. We split the taxi fare and I went to see the hotel she is staying at, and for $30.00 a night it is a pretty good room, so I reserve for my room for next week. When I arrived at Ubud Sari, I was please to see that it is away from the busy street of Ubud, we are in a quiet area, on a cul de sac. This place is magical, it is so cool and unique. I have this tiny cute zen cottage, on two floor. Influence by Japanese design. Downstairs I have a table with a cushion just like the Japanese do and a Tatami mat.The room where the bathroom is actually outside in the open air, it is pretty cool. I have to walk on pebbles in order to take my shower. It is pretty cool except in the middle of the night, I worry with encounters with creepers! In the middle of the night, I woke to some strange noise, and whatever it was, sounded like it wanted to come in. I slept with the windows all open, maybe because we are not near the ocean, there is no breeze, but I rather chase away a few lezards than sleeping in sufficating air. There is a little deck that I walk over, to get to my cottage, underneath is water, and those big Koi fish. The restaurant is not only vegetarian but only serves raw food. I had the most delicious diner and so perfect, after this kind of long voyage!
Next to my cottage, there is another one with a cute man, who strangly seems to be here for the same reasons I am, he as books all over his tables and works all day at the table. I just dont know how I will be able to sit for hours here, it is so hot and damp, the heat here, is very different. It is kind of weird, he is in his little house and I can see eveything he does and he can see everything I do and since I am not here to find a man, I have not try to say hi, but I feel I am on a different planet here. This is it, the magic is truly here and I already feel like I will not want to return. Everywhere you walk, the plants they grow for food and the flowers are just so fragrant and so unique, your nose is constantly pleasantly sniffing! I have a tree near my door, which the flowers resemble the stephanotis flowers, but it smells like cherry bubble gum!Very delightful aromas and sounds all around me. I sometime jump, when a koi jumps out of the water it is so quiet.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Winter Blues

This is the time of the year when Winter blues, hit's us. Do you feel like you need a little picker upper? A great way to beat the seasonal blues is to drink Green Rooibos mix with some Tulsi aka Holy Basil, Sacred Basil. Those herbal teas have no caffeine or tannins and will improve your overall health. Don't forget to smell your infusion, this also works on the brain receptors to improve your mood. You have probably never heard of green Rooibos, and if you have the Red Rooibos on hand, use it.Here's why I suggest the green kind. Green Rooibos has not been oxidized,it hasn't lost any of its properties during oxidation. Therefore it has even more anti-oxidants than the red one, which has 50% more than green tea! Also, a lot of people dont like the taste or the smell of Red Rooibos which is similar to tobacco. Green Rooibos taste like a really nice herbal tea, not too grassy, not too vegetative. Everyone, that I have suggested, loves it. Tulsi is another great herb, widely used in Ayurveda. Very aromatic and I can tell you that I predict some interesting findings with this plant, there has been a few studies that have concluded Tulsi prevents cancer and much more. But I feel they will find that its power is grater than what we already know. It works on the brain pretty much like Lavender, its flowers are very aromatics, even when old and dry. But the smell is aphrodisiac and an instant picker upper! With a very unique and pleasant taste and smell. Drink minimum 3 cups a day or more, use half & half of each one, steep 10 minutes and cover while steeping. You will notice a difference within 5 days. Tulsi is not readily available yet, but any good herb or health food store store carry it. I strongly suggest you grown it in your garden next season and dry the leaves for a winter supply.
This is my last blog until my departure for Bali. If you want to follow my journey in Bali, log on everyday from Feb25th till March 25th.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Are you drinking green tea for health reasons?

Are you drinking green tea for health reasons?

If you are one of those that drinks green tea because you heard it was good for you, but can't stand the taste, you need to read this! 1)If you are using a teabag, the health benefit you are looking for are simply not there anymore, they have evaporated and the quality of teas in teabag is almost always mediocre. 2)If you do not cover your cup while steeping, you are getting 0 anti-oxidants! Anti-oxidants are volatile since they are found in the essential oils of the plant, and simply jump out of the cup, while steeping. So, place a saucer on top of your cup if your cup does not have a lid. If you wonder why some cups have a lid, that's why, this goes for herbal tea or any plants you will infuse. 3)If it's bitter its because you are using boiling water and steeping too long. Here is my rule; 3-3-3. Boil water than let sit 3 minutes before your poor the water over your tea. Steep 3 minutes or less, not more. Steep three time (this applies only to loose leaf, you can yield 3 cups of tea with one teaspoon).4)If you add milk in your cup of green tea, you just void all the health benefits. 5)If you just can't stand the taste of green tea even after all these tips, simply green tea is not for you. Listen to what your body tells you. Instead try an Org. Green Rooibos or Olive leaf, both have 50% more anti-oxidants than green tea and they contain no caffeine. They also taste good. When our body does not agree with something, it most likely have very little effect on you. It just like food, all food is good for humans but not all food is good for you!

The Tea Lady

Wednesday, February 10, 2010