This is the time of the year when Winter blues, hit's us. Do you feel like you need a little picker upper? A great way to beat the seasonal blues is to drink Green Rooibos mix with some Tulsi aka Holy Basil, Sacred Basil. Those herbal teas have no caffeine or tannins and will improve your overall health. Don't forget to smell your infusion, this also works on the brain receptors to improve your mood. You have probably never heard of green Rooibos, and if you have the Red Rooibos on hand, use it.Here's why I suggest the green kind. Green Rooibos has not been oxidized,it hasn't lost any of its properties during oxidation. Therefore it has even more anti-oxidants than the red one, which has 50% more than green tea! Also, a lot of people dont like the taste or the smell of Red Rooibos which is similar to tobacco. Green Rooibos taste like a really nice herbal tea, not too grassy, not too vegetative. Everyone, that I have suggested, loves it. Tulsi is another great herb, widely used in Ayurveda. Very aromatic and I can tell you that I predict some interesting findings with this plant, there has been a few studies that have concluded Tulsi prevents cancer and much more. But I feel they will find that its power is grater than what we already know. It works on the brain pretty much like Lavender, its flowers are very aromatics, even when old and dry. But the smell is aphrodisiac and an instant picker upper! With a very unique and pleasant taste and smell. Drink minimum 3 cups a day or more, use half & half of each one, steep 10 minutes and cover while steeping. You will notice a difference within 5 days. Tulsi is not readily available yet, but any good herb or health food store store carry it. I strongly suggest you grown it in your garden next season and dry the leaves for a winter supply.
This is my last blog until my departure for Bali. If you want to follow my journey in Bali, log on everyday from Feb25th till March 25th.